The Governing Body consists of 14 governors, the majority of whom are Foundation Governors. Other governors include staff, parents and the Local Authority Governor.

Please click on the links on the menu bar above to access the most recent report about the school as published by her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted); the most recent Church inspection report; the most recent School Performance Tables published by the Secretary of State for Education (the school’s most recent Key Stage 2 Results); a link to Parent View (Ofsted’s online questionnaire for parents and carers with pupils attending the school); and our latest parental survey results.

Full list of Governors

(including role, type of governor, commitment memberships, date of current term of office, and declaration of interest)

Cawood C of E VA Primary School – Governor Information

Cawood C of E VA Primary School – Governor Roles / Responsibilities

The Chair of the Governing Body and the Clerk can be contacted through the school.
